Boat Pick-up & Drop-off
BOAT DROP-OFF – Riverbend Park
Friday, May 17th | 2:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 18th | 7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
We are expecting parking to be especially limited near Riverbend Park for PPP weekend this year. Therefore, we have changed the process for dropping off boats. We ask participants to follow this schedule on Friday, to the best of their ability, to mitigate traffic congestion and to expedite boat drop-off. If racers arrive during their designated slot, they will likely have very close parking and quick access to the drop-off. The Saturday morning drop-off window may be used by any category, but is only recommended as a last resort.
Friday Drop-off Schedule
2:00 – 2:20 – Elite & All Adaptive Categories
2:20 – 2:40 – Male Individuals
2:40 – 3:00 – Female Individuals, Non-binary Individuals & Pairs
3:00 – 3:30 – Male Pairs
3:30 – 4:00 – Mixed Pairs
4:00 – 4:15 – Female & Tandem Pairs
4:15 – 4:30 – Male Teams
4:30 – 5:00 – Female Teams
5:00 – 5:40 – Mixed Teams
5:40 – 6:00 – Family Teams
6:00 – 6:15 – Open, Tandem & Non-binary Teams
6:15 – 6:45 – Business Teams
6:45 – 7:30 – Out of Towners

The entrance for boat drop-off is located at the SW Columbia & Shevlin-Hixon intersection at the entrance to Riverbend Park and the Bend Metro Parks and Recreation District Office. Your boat must have a number sticker from Packet Pickup before it is placed in the transition area.
Volunteers and MBSEF staff will direct racers with boats into the unloading zone, and, from there, to the staging zones. Security will be stationed at the entrance to Riverbend to direct traffic to overflow parking should unloading zone become full at any given time.
Boats will be placed according to your category/division and the last digit on your bib number. Elites, Individuals and all Adaptive Divisions will be closest to the water. Teams will be disqualified for moving boats once they have been assigned a slot, for practice or any other reasons.
Boats arriving via the river will be directed around the exterior of the secured boat placement area to the Boat Unloading Zone of the parking lot, where volunteers will be available to guide racers to appropriate staging area. There will be no boat placement from the launch beach directly into the placement area.
Overnight security will be provided for boats dropped off on Friday.
BOAT PICK-UP at Farewell Bend Park – 11:30 – 4:30pm on Saturday, 5/18
Boats will be organized by bib number once they exit the water at Farewell Bend Park. Boat pick-up window will be from 11:30am – 4:30pm. All racers must pick-up their boats during that window. MBSEF will not be responsible for any boats that remain after the pick-up window.
If picking up by car…
Racers who are picking up by car should plan to arrive at pick-up within 40 minutes of crossing the finish line. Racers may also send a teammate or proxy, but anyone picking up a boat must have a matching bib number in hand. Racers picking boats up by car will use the “pull-through/parking” closest to Farewell Bend Beach and plan to park only in the far right lane when space becomes available. Please plan to have a bib number in your hand or within easy reach when you pull into the pick-up zone. Volunteers will use the bib number to help locate and bring the boat to the correct parked car. Those picking up the boat must do the loading and securing themselves.
If the pull-through appears full as you approach, please plan to do a lap or two through the roundabouts between Century and Brookswood. DO NOT STOP TRAFFIC ON REED MARKET OR TRY TO PARK IN THE BIKE LANE. MBSEF staff, with the support of professional security personnel, will do our very best to keep this pick-up zone moving quickly and smoothly.
If picking up by water…
If a racer would like to remove their boat via water, we ask racers to wait to launch their boat from Farewell Bend Beach until the majority of racers have finished, and no earlier than 2:30. This is a great option if you are able to be dropped off or walk over to Farewell from Riverbend.
Thank you for your help and patience as we give this new system a try. With multiple events occurring in Bend on PPP weekend, it’s important that we explore new ways to creatively utilize limited parking while working to mitigate traffic congestion close to the river.